Monday, November 26, 2012


I tend to be a pretty frugal gal.  I love trying new things but I don't have a lot of money for trial and error so I love receiving samples and products for review!  I'm more than happy to give my honest opinion on a product if I can try it out for myself. 

One program I've really wanted to get in on for a while is Influenster.  They send out various types of boxes full of products to review and I've seen some really good stuff in those boxes!  Sadly, I haven't been able to receive one yet but I'm working on it!

They just changed the site up and to me it looks pretty darn good!  It has a really clean and simple layout.  It's easy to find and access everything and over all it just looks great.  I love the color scheme.

The only thing I can really gripe about is the fact that my age was showing up as 107 and I couldn't figure out how to change it!  I doesn't really bother me, people will either assume it's wrong or think "Damn, she looks good for 107!"  Actually, now that I'm looking, it isn't even showing my "age" anymore!  I corrected my location and now the fake age is gone.  Strange...I'm sure I'll get that figured out eventually.

ANYWAY,  Right now I'm working on completing as many badges as I can because I'd really love to get a chance to try some new products and put my opinion on them out there for everyone to check out!  You should do the same, click here to  sign up for Influenster and start earning those badges!

Thanks for stopping by and check back soon for a new product review!